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Homeostasis and Genetics

Homeostasis and Genetics

Q HLT 410 – Homeostasis and Genetics Assignment: Homeostasis and Genetics Instructions Purpose: To address concepts of homeostasis and genetics and their relationships to disease. The basis of pathophysiology is alteration or disruption of normal homeostasis or equilibrium in the body. Understanding homeostatic feedback loops is essential to recognizing potential for illness or disease. In addition, many conditions and diseases are related to genes in some way. In this assignment, you will explore both of these topics in a way that is meaningful to you. To prepare for this assignment, you should: ? Read Chapters 1,2 3, and 4 ? Read additional lesson readings in the course content folder. ? Review APA formatting guidelines for writing To complete this assignment: address Parts I and II of the instructions, below. Part I: Homeostasis Feedback Loops 1. Select a body system or physiological process that you are familiar with. 2. Draw or diagram a negative or positive feedback loop that works to maintain homeostasis within this body system or process. 3. Clearly label the three main parts of the feedback loop and any other essential elements. 4. Describe the consequence(s) of malfunction of this feedback loop with regards to pathophysiology. Part II: Genetics 1. Choose ONE of the questions below that you would like to research: a. How do genetics influence health and illness? b. How are genetics used to treat disease? c. What is the interaction between environment and genetics in disease? 2. Conduct an evidence search for a source that helps to answer your question. Use only credible, reliable sources in your search for information. 3. Write a 250-word essay that summarizes an answer to your question based on your source. 4. Follow APA formatting rules for margins, font, page numbering, grammar, punctuation, etc. Submission Instructions ? Save your file as a Word document (.docx). ? Include the term Homeostasis and your Last Name when saving your file. Example: Homeostasis_Garcia.docx ? Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.

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Homeostasis is a state of equilibrium in which a system, such as the human body, is almost steady. A feedback system that controls a reaction is necessary to maintain homeostasis. The feedback mechanism might be either positive or negative (H. Reisner & Reisner, 2020). A negative feedback mechanism controls the body's temperature, increasing or decreasing. A negative feedback loop handles how much thyroid hormone is produced. In addition to the thyroid, the loop also contains the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. However, the TRH is made by the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland generates thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in response to TRH. To release its hormones, the thyroid gland is stimulated by TSH.